Combine this with replacing loops by recursion, and you end up with the entire program being the main function. You can fold any function into main by having an argument that main can use to decide what to do. and 4., this basically allows the entire program to be one single statement in main(). Heavy use of the comma operator instead of. In most cases that's a lot harder to read, deobfuscation would reinsert if(). Heavy use of the conditional evaluation operator ? :, replacing all occurences of if() else. Deobfuscation would be to assign sensible names. Either you will find people using names like a, b, c exclusively, or you find identifiers that have absolutely nothing to do with the actual purpose of the variable/function. Semantic Designs clearly put lots of thought into it.There is a lot of different techniques to obfuscate code, here is a small, very incomplete list: "Your obfuscator is exactly what we were looking for! Even if a 'prettyfier' were used it would be terminally painful for me to reverse engineer code I wrote myself after running it through Semantic Design's tool.

Predefined list of reserved names for standard C libraries provided.No changes to the your C compilation or execution procedures or environment.Identifier scrambling has no impact on functionality or execution performance.This provides significant protection for source code intellectual property that must be shipped to a customer. To make it very difficult to understand or reverse-engineer (example). The C Obfuscator tool scrambles C source code Code Search (Find, Follow), Analysis (Metrics, Static, Dynamic, Bugs) and Change (Modernization, Migration, Generation, Optimization, Rearchitecting)